OpenGl not found


Unable to load media files on certain windows applications on my EC2 instance. It says it requires opengl to operate. Are drivers missing? Is there any way around this? Im on the free tier t2.micro and have an additionall t3.medium running. Issue is on both.

asked 4 months ago291 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I think t2 and t3 do not include OpenGL because they do not include GPU.
So I think the solution is to use an instance type that includes a GPU.
Please check the following document, which describes instance types that include GPU.

Please note that instance types that include GPU are more expensive than instance types such as T3.

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answered 4 months ago

Only these?

Enter image description here

A bit confusing since the doc doesnt include specs such as price and network performance, and the aws calcultor doesnt mention GPU so I have to keep switching back and forth.

answered 4 months ago

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