Image Inserter not working


Hey all, i'm trying to insert an image in the output videos. The configuration for the image inserter is as follows:

"VideoPreprocessors": {
   "ImageInserter": {
      "InsertableImages": [
          "Width": 140,
          "Height": 63,
          "ImageX": 20,
          "ImageY": 20,
          "FadeIn": 0,
          "Layer": 1,
          "ImageInserterInput": "s3://my-bucket/_assets/logo.png",
          "StartTime": "00:00:00:00",
          "Opacity": 50

The asset does exist in the bucket. is this a permission issue or a configuration issue? I was playing around with specifying the EndTime (to super large, as i want the image to be displayed for the whole duration of the video) and fade in time, but the output videos do not contain the image. What am I doing wrong?

asked 2 months ago120 views
1 Answer

Thanks for your question on AWS MediaConvert.

There is no reference to an error that you are receiving or description of what the result is. Can you provide those details? Without them, it's challenging to provide a proper answer.

Assuming what you posted in not working, you may consider creating the transcode job with the MediaConvert AWS console. Then you can 'Show Job json' to see how the configuration should be.

Also, confirm that the MediaConvert job has Timecode Configuration Source set to 'Start at 0', to match the timecode in the image insertion section.

When submitting the transcode job, verify that a proper MediaConvert IAM role has been selected.

answered 2 months ago
  • Hey, as it turned out, the role did not have sufficient permission to access the folder where asset is located. Unfortunately the job did not yield any errors so i was clueless about the cause.

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