Helping to reduce the fee of NAT gateway


I don't know that NAT gateway has the fee to use. I left it more than 4 days and focus to my other thing in AWS. Could you guy help me how or who can help me to cut this bill? I only have NAT gateway fee.

Thank you so much for your help

asked 5 months ago317 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

If you just want temporarly "disable" your NAT when not using your account, this thread might be useful. As bonus it would introduce you to Cloudformation ;-)

Here is a sample of Cloudformation template for single AZ VPC with option to enable/disable NAT gateway with stack parameter updates. If you are going to use this for production, I'd recommend expanding it to cover 2 or 3 AZs.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed a month ago

You get charged per NAT gateway and per GB transferred through it.

If you don’t need it then remove it. Afraid most services in AWS you have to pay for them.

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answered 5 months ago
  • Thank you so much for your information. However, I'm a student and I'm trying to study for preparing the Developer Associate certificate, I'm newbie for using the AWS environment, I don't use it for production or any commercial. I just read really quick the I have free tier for 1 year so I keep the EC2 and NAT gateway be there as convenience for next time studying. I'm studying it and I got mistake for this one. Could you do something to help me about this case? I appreciate you.


Hi David. If you have workloads that are in private subnets and require egress/outbound connection to the internet (e.g. to call a rest API exposed in the internet), you don't have a choice.

But if you use for instance lambda functions and don't put them in vpc, you get egress/outbound internet traffic for free.

I'd suggest reading this to understand alternatives for NAT gateway:

Finally, if you incurred costs that you want to get rid of for this time, you can submit a support ticket and explain the situation (you are a student, etc..). Typically was helps out and remves the invoice fircs ch small cases, at least the furstcyime you do them ;)

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answered 5 months ago

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