How to setup Azure AD authentication for AWS RDS SQL Server


Looking for guide with pre-requisites and implementation steps to enable authentication to RDS SQL Server using Azure AD (Azure Active Directory).

Appreciate any inputs!!

asked a year ago1490 views
1 Answer

Hi there!

There is no direct way to do that. You need to first, create an AWS Managed Microsoft AD and connect it it with Azure AD. You can further use Pass-Through Authentication to not synchronize passwords, thus increasing security. Here is a blog post with steps to configure it.

With that done, here is a guide to help you setup RDS with AD authentication.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks Jose. Agree it doesn't appear to be straightforward implementation.

    I understand SQL Server 2022 has got new feature for Azure AD integration. Wondering if there is any blog or paper documented about implementing this new feature on AWS RDS SQL Server 2022. Basically, I'm looking for a way to avoid dependency on AWS AD to implement Azure AD integration in our environment. If that's feasible at all.

    Appreciate if you could share any thoughts/references.

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