Can anyone give the best tutorial youtube link for Amazon Ec2 instance for deploying Django project


Can anyone give the best tutorial youtube link for Amazon Ec2 instance for deploying Django project

asked 5 months ago127 views
1 Answer


If you woud like a really easy way to deploy Django on AWS, why not consider using Amazon Lightsail? Pls watch this video below to understand. Lighsail abstracts a lot of complexity. Important: Although it uses EC2 under the hood, they are not visible on the EC2 console- they must be managed via the Lightsail console.

If you are looking for EC2 option only, then pls have a look at the below video from a 3rd party.

As always, use these videos with caution since the version/console may have changed v/s the time they were recorded.

Thanks, Rama

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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