Customer would like to migrate CLB to NLB/ALB.


A customer would like to migrate CLB to NLB/ALB. (This customer used the persistent connection to EC2 instances so that they are very sensitive to dis- and re-connection of it at bulk size.)

Do we have any recommendation steps or best practice for this?

I just found that below link and pdf file which described You can shift traffic all at once or you can do a weighted distribution under "Update DNS Routing with Amazon Route 53." However this is not enough for guiding or instructing them to do.

Blue/Green Deployments on AWS.pdf (

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can use the Migration Wizard for CLB->ALB/NLB and then gradually shift traffic using weighting (Step 2 in the migration wizard link)

answered 6 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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