Is it possible to create a Dashboard to see all the alarms?


in order to see the active alarms we have to open each individual asset to see how many active alarms there are, which limits the visibility of how many total alarms are active for the building and for a specific asset. A dashboard similar to Waites Wireless will give visibility without having to click one by one. Also to separate the issue by category (warning, alarm, lost comm, etc).

asked 2 years ago326 views
1 Answer

Hi User,

You may view all your alarms in a single view by going to Cloudwatch Console -> alarms -> all alarms. Enter image description here

On top of that, there is a dashboard feature where you can customize the alarms you wish to view in a dashboard. It supports monitoring resources in other regions too, hence providing a broader visibility in a single dashboard. Here is a link to how you can perform the setup:

Hope it helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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