Student account billing for free tier


Dear AWS team,

I am a student who is new to the AWS world and opened my AWS account in march 2023 for learning purpose. I have used very limited services for less time. I recently finished a personal project where I used EBS, ECR, CI/CD and RDS. Though I haven't done much on the website. I deployed my website in March and got a notice in April, saying that I have used up 85% of my free tier. I am still in the free teir period but for some reason i am incuring some charges. On May 2nd I got a bill of $100. I dont know what services are running in the background and as I am new I do not know if I have to close them to stop incurring charges. Could someone please tell me if there is any possibility to weavie off the charges as I am a student and barely used the services, it is very difficult for me to pay such huge amount.

Thank you in advance! It is greatly appreicated!

4 Answers
Accepted Answer


I would suggest that you open a billing case through your account :

Please choose Account and billing, so that the Billing team can look at this specific case and provide a resolution.

Thanks, Othmane

answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

Yes, you will have to stop service(s) to avoid incurring more charges.

In AWS console, in the menu bar at the top right (where it probably has your name) click it and select Billing Dashboard, then on the pane on the left select Bills, and then when the current month's bill comes up select April 2023 (on mine the box is orange).

Scroll down to Charges by Service and you should be able to see a breakdown of what you were billed for by service, and within each service it will be broken down by region.

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answered a year ago

In addition to the above. AWS cannot delete or remove your services for privacy/security reason, you have to select the services for yourself and delete or remove those by yourself. Yes, they can consider the bills and advise from where the charges are generating.

You may follw the advice of "RWC" above, but one thing you can do, just click the plus sign of the respective service and you will see the region as well as the specific service/data usage also, and you have to go in that particular region to delete or remove the service. It appears your data usage and RDS may generating the charges.

answered a year ago

Can anyone tell me please can i open two aacounts as a free tier with same credit card i m student learning devops wanted to learn cross account replication so created second account as i see in billing section its generated above 6k bill conly for ec2 please reply what i can do i dont have this much of amount to pay can i close that account or what.

answered a year ago

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