Configuring a static website using a custom domain registered with Route 53


I have followed this tutorial step by step very Cleary ""

when i try to test the Step 12: Test the website Verify that the website and the redirect work correctly. In your browser, enter your URLs. In this example, you can try the following URLs:

Domain ( – Displays the index document in the bucket.

Subdomain ( – Redirects your request to You see the index document in the bucket.

i am not able to access i am not sure why it is and i have checked the status of DNS propagation it is "insync"

  • Sorry what bit isnt working?

asked a year ago328 views
1 Answer

Have you registered your custom domain with Route 53?

Depending on your DNS provider, choose one of the following procedures to register and use a new domain with Route 53.

  • For registering a new domain, see register a new domain.
  • For an existing domain, see Making Amazon Route 53 the DNS service for an existing domain.
  • For moving a domain to another registrar, see update name servers when you want to use another DNS service.

You will need to follow one of the above step. Which one is valid in your case?

answered a year ago
  • Sorry , could you please let me know that root domain is working fine (eg:- , but The Subdomain (eg:- is not working why any suggestions please, i have done all the steps correctly which is redirecting root bucket to "www" bucket and when i checked the static website Hosting URL in in "www" Bucket it is working and i have created the route53 hosted zone record correctly configured but still its not working , i thought DNS propagation Delay but it seems its not ?

  • could you respond to the above issue please

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