How to modify the hostname for publishing CloudWatch metrics from Synthetic Canary


There is a synthetics.afterCanary funtion in the BrokenLinkChecker blueprint synthetic canary that is sending CloudWatch latency and result metrics to CloudWatch but I am getting a timeout error because I have no route to that address. How can I repoint the hostname/ endpoint for that cloudwatch.PutMetricData api call from the private dns,, to the private link vpc endpoint,

I don't know how to change the properties of that CloudWatch object because the CloudWatch constructor is not a part of the canary/lambda blueprint code and I don't see any documentation on synthetics.afterCanary method here : but maybe I am looking in the wrong place. (Nodejs and aws sdk javascript 2).

1 Answer

set environment variable AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_CLOUDWATCH=<vpc endpoint> in canary lambda function.

Refer for service specific endpoints.

answered 7 months ago

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