Cannot access my S3 bucket all suddently



I was transferring data using cyberduck, cyberduck started to disfunction during the transfer so I forced closed it with task manager but then this happens

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It started to become very slow at first to reconnect the bucket until I got completely denied access.

I am worried that because of that bug with cyberduck and me closing the app abruptly during a transfer I lost all my data.

Can anyone tell me what happened ?

Thank you


asked 3 months ago205 views
2 Answers


If the disconnection occurs during data transfer, the object itself is probably not created in S3.
Can you confirm that you can access S3 from AWS CLI etc using the access key and secret access key?
If you cannot access from AWS CLI etc. using the access key and secret access key, it is possible that you do not have enough IAM permissions or the access key is invalid.

Additionally, there is a possibility that the issue is on the cyberduck side, so I recommend checking the debug logs listed in the document below.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

Thank you for your reply,

I actually bought this amazon S3 storage from contabo, and I could not wait their answer because I am so worried right now.

answered 3 months ago

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