Glue Workflow Detail page fails to load


While trying to visualize the Glue Workflow detail page I get the following error:

There was an issue processing your request.

Error: ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 7 failed. (error:

Info: a@ div V@ a@ E@ U@ a@ E@ E@ U@ a@ E@ Fa@ Suspense div div div me<@ div main div div yt<@ div ft<@ Se@ t@ b@ L@ g@ M@ t.PreferencesContextProvider@ G@ s@ l@ t@ div ye a@ Te

I am on a basic plan and cannot open a ticket. Anyone is experimenting the same issue?

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asked 2 months ago192 views
1 Answer

It may sound silly but... are you reloading this stuff ? Sometimes it's just that the server is not ready to process your requests for some unknown reasons... In general, errors related to failing to load page resources or connect to backend services indicate a temporary outage issue rather than an account-specific problem. Check the health status page.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Well ... yes I reloaded. I cleared the session etc... The issue persists and I cannot send a bug trace to AWS. The fact that you need to pay money for sending a bug to AWS has always sounded wrong to me. And it still sounds as wrong after 10 years :)

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