AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam - finished the test, the screen showed "PASS" status the screen but it wrote "test ended - left room"


Hi All , I have a query in regards with the online proctored exam for AWS certified cloud practitioner. I appeared for the exam today -July 25, 2022 at 1PM Jerusalem time. I answered all the 65 questions and reviewed all My answers and ended the test, I even got to see that i have passed the test. the test was done so i left the window open and went out of the room to get a glass of water, when i got back the screed stated "exam ended - left the room". I don't know if My answers/score were recorded or not. I haven't received any email confirmation after completion of the exam. My AWS certification account dashboard shows that Test Schedule Completed. I dont know if by leaving the room i somehow forfeited the exam. Any insights on this would be really helpful.


My Details :

Exam : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam date : July 25, 2022 EXAM TIME: 01:00 PM TIME ZONE: Asia/Jerusalem Candidate ID: AWS02886858 CONFIRMATION NUMBER: A107904167

asked 2 years ago2484 views
3 Answers

hello, im having the same issue,may i ask have you heard anything back from them?

answered 2 years ago
  • just got an answer 5 minutes ago. all good, I finally have the pass credentials


Give it 24 hours and then check your Cert account. After the results are reported at the end of the test you're basically in a state of limbo for roughly a day where there's no evidence that you took the exam at all. It usually resolves itself within a day, so your results were almost definitely recorded. Congratulations, Cloud Practitioner :)

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

unfortunately nothing yet, I've been cheeking the PSI site every 4-6 hours and still no updates

answered 2 years ago

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