windows build-in vpn connection add issue


We have AWS ec2 windows server, i need to add the VPN connection(windows built-in).In Network and internet added the VPN Connection. when click on connect that server is crashing. How to solve this and add the windows build-in VPN connection in amazon ec2 windows server

asked a year ago281 views
1 Answer

Check your VPN settings: Make sure that the VPN settings you are using are correct. This includes the VPN server address, username, password, and any specific protocols that the VPN uses. If any of these are incorrect, it could cause the server to crash when trying to establish a VPN connection.

Check the server logs: If the server is crashing, there should be some information in the server logs that can help identify the issue. You can access these logs through the Event Viewer in Windows Server. Look for any error messages or warnings that occur around the time of the crash.

Update Windows Server: If you are using an older version of Windows Server, it might be worth updating to the latest version. There could be a known issue with the version you are using that is causing the crash.

Disable any conflicting software: If you have any other networking software installed on the server, it could be causing a conflict with the VPN connection. Try disabling any non-essential networking software and see if that resolves the issue.

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answered a year ago

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