Deploying a static website on S3 but using domain name from 123Reg


I have recently made a project on gatsby and I want to deploy the website on s3 but I didn't get the domain through amazon I purchased it through 123Reg and I don't know how to deploy the static site using the domain name. Could someone help do you have to make bucket and where do I change anything so the domain from 123Reg

asked 2 years ago443 views
1 Answer

Whilst you could add a CNAME record to point to your S3 Website URL, this can cause issues specifically when using HTTPS (e.g. CORS).

If your registrar offer that option, you can delegate the DNS handling for your Domain to Route53. You can find more information on this process in the Developer Guide for Route53.

There is also a Video available which guide you through this process.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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