SetUpAssistant Crashes for Lack of Open GL 2.0 Driver Support


SetupAssistant fails on start up with the following error:


This is an issue in 1.9 and 1.10. However, seems to be related to running on machines with older video cards or drivers.

asked 7 years ago192 views
5 Answers
Accepted Answer

I was able to resolve this issue in 1.10 by copying the libEGL.dll file from the editor's application directory at


to the setup assistant's application directory at


The two other files; libGLESv2.dll and 3d3compiler_*.dll were already present.

answered 7 years ago

I found the same issue in case we run Lumberyard using Windows Remote Desktop (the issue is releated to gpu virtualized driver).

Thanks for the fix. I will test as soon as possible!

answered 7 years ago

Copying the Dlls in 1.10 as mentioned @REDACTEDUSER

answered 7 years ago

Copying the Dlls in 1.10 as mentioned @REDACTEDUSER

answered 7 years ago

Just tested also on 1.0.9 and it works!

answered 7 years ago

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