Domain transfer from Route 53 to other registrar


Hello, I have a question that arose while working on domain migration-related tasks. I'm curious about what backend operations AWS performs when transferring to another institution via Route 53. As far as I know, it involves changing the values registered in the backend cache server's registry. Is there anyone who can explain what backend tasks AWS performs in this process? Could someone please provide a detailed explanation of the process by which a domain, after its TTL expiration and subsequent transfer request, is routed to AWS?

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asked 3 months ago375 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Transferring a domain from Amazon Route 53 to another registrar involves several steps and backend operations, both by AWS and the gaining registrar (the new registrar to which you're transferring the domain). Here's a general overview of the process and the key operations involved:

  1. Unlock the Domain AWS Operation: The domain must be unlocked before it can be transferred. This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized transfers. The domain owner initiates this process through the Route 53 console by disabling the "Transfer Lock" status.

  2. Obtain an Authorization Code AWS Operation: The domain owner requests an authorization code (an EPP code or transfer key) from AWS Route 53. The gaining registrar requires this code to initiate the transfer process. Route 53 generates this code and sends it to the domain owner's registered email address.

  3. Initiate the Transfer with the New Registrar Owner Operation: With the domain unlocked and the authorization code in hand, the domain owner initiates the transfer process at the gaining registrar by providing the authorization code.

  4. Verification of Intent to Transfer AWS & Gaining Registrar Operation: The gaining registrar requests AWS Route 53 to confirm the transfer. Route 53 might email the domain owner to verify the domain's transfer intent. This step is part of the ICANN requirements to ensure that the transfer is authorized by the rightful owner.

  5. Transfer Request Approval Owner Operation: Depending on Route 53 and the gaining registrar's policies, the domain owner might need to approve the transfer request. This could involve clicking a link in an email or logging into the Route 53 console to approve the transfer.

  6. Update of Registry Information AWS Operation: Once the transfer is approved, AWS Route 53 communicates with the domain name registry to update the registrar information. This indicates that the gaining registrar is now responsible for the domain. This process involves updating the domain's WHOIS information to reflect the change in the registrar.

  7. Completion and Propagation Registry and Gaining Registrar Operation: After AWS updates the registry, the gaining registrar finalizes the transfer. This involves updating their own systems and DNS settings as needed. The domain's WHOIS information is updated to reflect the new registrar. It may take some time for these changes to propagate across the internet.

  8. DNS and Service Continuity Owner Consideration: It's important to note that transferring a domain does not automatically transfer the DNS service. If the domain's DNS records are managed by Route 53, the domain owner must ensure that these records are copied or migrated to the new registrar's DNS service to maintain website and email continuity.

This process is governed by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) policies designed to protect domain owners and ensure a smooth transition between registrars. The actual steps and their specifics can vary depending on the registrars involved and their implementation of these policies.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hi, Oleksii. Thanks for the kind reply! I have one more question remains. I have more than 300+ records in the transferring domain. According to the reply on the consideration, do I need to transfer all those records to the new registar?

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