George Jebaraj - Zimbra mail server


Hi AWS Team, I have setup zimbra mail server in AWS EC2 instance. Seems some ports are blocking. Note I have opened all ports in AWS security group temporarily(open All Traffic allowed to

Mail server domain name : Mail server domain name : Public static IP : telnet 22 - respond telnet 25 - Not respond

My request is kindly open below ports as soon as possiable. 25,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,5222,5223,9071,7071,7025

SMTP 25 tcp Public HTTP 80 tcp Public POP3 110 tcp Public IMAP 143 tcp Public LDAP 389 tcp Public HTTPS 443 tcp Public SMTPS 465 tcp Public SMTP Submission 587 tcp Public IMAPS 993 tcp Public POP3S 995 tcp Public (Admin Interface) 7071 tcp Public SOAP Auth 7073 tcp Public LMTP 7025 tcp Public

Thanks and regards George +91 9940558509

asked 2 months ago308 views
1 Answer


AWS blocks port 25, so communication is not possible even if it is allowed in the security group.
To be able to communicate, you need to remove the restriction by following the steps described in the document below.

By the way, I have seen that even if you send a request, the request may not be allowed depending on the use case, so please be careful.
In some cases, it may be better to use Amazon SES or set up your email to be sent using an SMTP port other than port 25.

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answered 2 months ago

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