Login AWS through mobile phone and personal computer is possible ?


Hi I am login AWS in same email ID through my mobile phone and personal computer It is possible to use or i am facing any charge levy to me in future ?. i want reply if i will charges comes i would like my mobile phone login will close .or it is nothing else any charges are not there i will continue pls guide me and reply to me . if fees will be charged How will close my mobile phone login account. my email id is **********@gmail.com

asked 2 months ago148 views
3 Answers


There is an app to check the status of AWS resources on iPhone or Android.
You can also sign in to the AWS console from your smartphone browser.

AWS doesn't charge you just for signing in to your account.
Billing occurs when you create resources using AWS services.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

No charges for login, only for provisioning/consuming resources regardless from where you login from

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answered 2 months ago

Hi I am login AWS in same email ID through my mobile phone and personal computer It is possible to use or i am facing any charge levy to me in future ?. i want reply if i will charges comes i would like my mobile phone login will close .or it is nothing else any charges are not there i will continue pls guide me and reply to me . if fees will be charged How will close my mobile phone login account. my email id is **********@gmail.com

answered 2 months ago

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