RDS Aurora MySQL added new reserved words (update 3.06.0) and is not fully compatible with MySQL 8


In the latest RDS Aurora MySQL update 3.06.0 was added new reserved words like "content_type" to support Amazon BedRock.


Softwares like "Zabbix" dont work anymore in this current version. I think its not fully compatible with MySQL 8 anymore.

This new keywords should start with prefix like rds_ so it wouldnt break running softwares.


asked a month ago253 views
2 Answers


Thank you for reporting this to us.

I have reported the issue to our internal team for future improvement. However I could not provide an ETA when this could be fixed. Sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

answered a month ago


Thank you for getting to us with this query.

I would like to mention that this is a new feature that was launched to support integration of Bedrock with Aurora MYSQL 3.06.0 version.

[+] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraMySQLReleaseNotes/AuroraMySQL.Updates.3060.html#AuroraMySQL.Updates.3060.New

I have passed this feedback to the internal team to make use of different keywords if possible. Having said that, unfortunately as of now this would remain in use as reserved keywords until any further changes are introduced.

answered a month ago

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