Public IP address for EC2 not working


I created an EC2 instance to run my website on and am able to SSH into it from my local machine. I updated the security group settings to allow incoming traffic, checked and confirmed the ACL settings, updated the instance's firewall, and verified that I could ping from my local machine. However, I am still unable to access it from the browser when I type the public IP address into the URL.

How can I resolve this issue?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

When you are on the box, does a curl work?

What ports is it listening on? 80 or 443 etc?

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • It failed to connect to port 80, and it appears that it is only listening on port 22.

  • Ok. Sounds like your webserver isn’t up and running.just double check it’s bound to the correct IP and port and is running. This would be why you can’t connect.

  • Youve tried http(s)://ipaddress:3000 ??

  • Port 3000 needs to be open on security group and you have used :3000 in the URL when accessing the webserver from your browser?


If above does not work, make sure there is an Internet Gateway associated to the subnet where the EC2 is, apart of course security groups and NACLs

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Okay, http://ipaddress:3000 works! Thanks!

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