Unable to delete VPC endpoints


I am unable to delete a VPC, which has a dependency of 4 network interfaces. These network interfaces are connected with VPC endpoints and whenever i am trying to delete them, it gives me the unknown error. I have every possible resource deletion, such as : deletion of (subnets, route tables, RDS instances, EC2 instances, internet gateway, Security group and many more) but tillnow no sucess. PLease help to delete the VPC and its endpoints.

asked 3 months ago196 views
2 Answers

Thanks everyone, the issue has been resolved. there was a dependency of RDS proxy because of which VPC endpoints were not being deleted.

Once i deleted RDS proxy with teh help of my colleague, entire VPC i was able to delete. I am pursuing Cloud Computing and while doing a Cloud lab i came across this error.

answered 3 months ago
  • This is it, VPC endpionts should specify their dependencies/Parent component. (Error message being bugged upon attempt to delete made it even worse). Thank you!!



In that case, I think you need to delete the VPC endpoint first.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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