Migration from Aurora to Aurora Serverless?


A customer is looking to move from Aurora to Aurora Serverless and is asking what the best way to migrate is. There doesn't appear to be much guidance in our documentation/blogs. The best my customer could find was https://www.dr-chuck.com/csev-blog/2018/07/experiences-with-amazon-aurora-serverless/ suggesting that mysqldump and restore was the best approach and DMS was not a good option.

Do we have any guidance on this? The customer setup for evaluation is pretty simple - db.t2.small running Aurora MySQL 5.6.10a with two active databases.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

If you have a current provisioned Aurora cluster running, you can take a latest snapshot and restore it to the Aurora Serverless. While restoring, you would see the options in Capacity Type "Provisioned and Serverless" from which you can choose 'Serverless'.

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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