wordpress hosted on aws ec2 ssl certificate not working


I am hosting a Wordpress website on AWS EC2, I created Route 53 record and request SSL Certificate and hocked them together successfully, and put the CNAME in my DNS registered domain successfully, I am using Sydney region. the column "In Use?" shows "No" for AWS Certificate Manager. DNS validation has been passed successfully.

asked a year ago575 views
2 Answers

Is ALB or CloudFront configured to listen on HTTPS?
If an SSL certificate is issued using ACM, ALB or CloudFront is required.
Try the following method to set it up.

profile picture
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

In addition to above, you may follow what I had to do to fix the problem.

Troubleshooting of In use – No

  1. I had to create an Application Load Balancer

  2. Redirect traffic from port 80 to port 443

  3. Associate the Certificate with port 443

  4. Create an A record with the ALB instead of the ip address

  5. I had to create CAA record.

answered a year ago

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