AWS managed key for S3 does not exist.


Hi all

I created S3 bucket but in KMS, I can't find the aws managed key for S3 (aws/s3) in the list.

Can anyone tell me why and how to resolve this?

Thanks, Joseph

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asked 5 months ago241 views
2 Answers

In KMS, the aws/s3 key is located in AWS managed keys menu.

Please ensure your are in the correct region where you created the S3 bucket. KMS Keys are regional resources.

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answered 5 months ago
  • Thanks for your answer, I did make sure I am in the correct region and the weird thing is... I have other account and created S3 bucket too,, I can find a AWS managed key in KMS for that account... but not for this account

  • Was the bucket encyrpted with that key or a different one?

  • Attached some screenshot to make it a little clear..

    To give more background,

    • I have two account A and B and created a S3 bucket for each A and B.
    • I selected SSE-SE encryption method for both.
    • I uploaded a file for both S3 buckets.
    • In KMS, I can find AWS managed key for S3 (aws/s3) in Account A but not for the Account B

    This is a normal situation?


Hi Joseph,

To get answers to your questions, read until bottom of page.

Everything is explained there: what you can view and do with AWS managed keys in particular



profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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