Changing language


How can i change langauge on the console from french to english permenently? I went to unified settings and editing the language section and clicked on save but they said it cant be changed on the console and i dont understand french.

asked a year ago558 views
2 Answers

Login to you console and Click on Settings (You may use google translator to Identify it in English) Enter image description here

In the Localization and default Region you have the option to change the Language! Enter image description here

Now you have your preferred language with you! This should set your preferred language to English across all AWS services and the console. If you continue to have issues, Please clear you browser cache or try logging in from different device and it should solve the problem. There are certain settings at the browser level that you might want to revisit to resolve this issue. As browser does have the Language setting which needs to be altered.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

If you have already changed the language settings in the management console and the language is not reflected, please review the language settings in your browser as well.

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answered a year ago

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