Enable MFA Delete S3 Bucket Feature ?


How To Enable MFA Delete S3 Bucket Feature ?

2 Answers

To turn on MFA delete for your bucket, complete the following steps:

  1. Generate an access key and secret key for the root user.
  2. Activate an MFA delete device for the root user.
  3. Configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) with root user credentials.
  4. Use the PutBucketVersioning API to turn on the MFA delete feature.
  5. Confirm that MFA delete is working. Remember to delete your root access keys.

For more information you can review How do I turn on MFA delete for my Amazon S3 bucket?

answered 2 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 2 months ago
  • May be best to the Cloudshell console than IAM Keys

  • This is not working ...

    An error occurred (NotDeviceOwnerError) when calling the PutBucketVersioning operation:


This is not working ...

An error occurred (NotDeviceOwnerError) when calling the PutBucketVersioning operation:

answered 2 months ago

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