AWS QuickSight Best Practice for creating SPICE


Is it a best practice to create multiple SPICE databases for a single analysis and dashboard creation? Will this add significant monthly cost compared to creating only 1 big SPICE database?

asked 2 years ago1455 views
2 Answers

HI, First of all there is no Terminology as Spice Databases in QS. Its a in-memory Datastore in spice where you can import Data from your sources like(S3, Athena etc) to serve low latency Visualizations. So for example if you have a scenario where you need a analysis which needs fast execution, needs to be used multiple times and need to join data from multiple datasets , then as a best practice u should all those datasets imported to spice engine . Infact this will be a cost efficient rather than querying a source directly which has cost implications of querying it. Refer this link -

Also the cost of Spice engine is charged per GB/Month and has no co relation with how many datasets you have in spice engine. So import datasets in spice diligently only for analysis in scenarios mentioned above(refer the link above)

Please refer pricing link -


answered 2 years ago

Hi, @ZeBron.

I understood that SPICE database = dataset.
You can calculate the capacity in the following way.

The SPICE usage can be calculated from the field size and the number of columns.
The answer is that when you create your analyzes and dashboards it depends on the data structure as the cost will vary depending on how many unnecessary fields and rows are included.
The number of SPICE datasets by itself does not matter.

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answered 2 years ago

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