GreenGrass v2 remove deployment


I have a device "Device1" in group A, and there is a deployment in place for that group. Now, I would like to move Device1 to group B, for which there is a different deployment. I removed the device from group A, but the deployment is still running. How can I stop the deployment of group A for this specific device, and remove the components ?

asked 2 years ago1161 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Thanks for your question. The expected behavior depends on which version of Nucleus you are running. Assuming you're running Nucleus 2.5.0 or higher, the components from the old group will be removed once the device receives the deployment for the new group. For it to succeed, the device's IoT policy must grant the greengrass:ListThingGroupsForCoreDevice permission.

Full details can be found here:

Best, Janice

answered 2 years ago

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