Visualized infrastructure map


Merry Christmas, also to all Amazonias...

The question I would like to ask is this: I often have the problem of losing the overview of my entire AWS account. Now I ask myself and you the question: Would it be conceivable and possible to display all services and the entire infrastructure of an AWS account on a map (similar to the service) with just one click, so that you get an overview and all dependencies and connections are visualized?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Workload Discovery may be helpful.

You can use it by deploying it using the CloudFormation template provided by AWS.

By the way, there is a fee, so please be careful when using it.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Currently, the management console does not have such functionality. You can make a feature request if you have an AWS Support Developer Plan or higher contract. There are people who have asked feature requests on re:Post, but it is unclear to what extent their requests have been reflected.



Yes, that's going in the right direction. But it is not yet as intuitive as I would like it to be. The best thing would be a button in the management console interface that displays the infrastructure called up on the management console with all its dependencies and connections in a map.

This means that if I have clicked on a VPC, for example, and then click the mapping button, only this VPC is displayed. However, if I am on the start page of the Management Console and then click the mapping button, the entire infrastructure of the AWS account is displayed. This could be highlighted with colors and shadows. You should think of it like a bird's eye view zoom...

And it should be possible to click into the map. On this way you can find every single resource and call it up from the map.

It will also makes it easier to present, explain and illustrate the infrastructure solution in discussions with customers.

But who can implement something like this? I have no idea how.

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answered 5 months ago

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