Is the Mediaconvert endpoint a sensitive info


I have shared my mediaconvert endpoint on social media. Is the endpoint vulnerable? Can someone call it frequently, create saturation and high cost? Can I change the endpoint url?

asked 2 years ago651 views
2 Answers

When referring to MediaConvert Endpoint is this the S3 bucket where transcoded files are written? Are you attempting to share video files? Making files in S3 buckets public does have some risk. The recommended method for access would be to use a CloudFront Distribution, with Origin Access Identity (OAI) to the S3 bucket. This will allow only the CloudFront Distribution to request the files. Users can request the files through CloudFront. See this link for how to configure this OAI access.

answered 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for contacting AWS re:Post!

Consider an example endpoint "". The first eight digits after "https://" are an alphanumeric combination that is unique to your account. The region matches the regional endpoint that you send the request to. This is the endpoint to use for your transcoding requests.

To run transcoding jobs with AWS Elemental MediaConvert, you need an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role to allow MediaConvert access to your resources, such as your input files and the locations where your output files are stored (1).

Permissions for a job are set in the Job Details > Job Settings > AWS integration (2). The IAM role shown there (service role) would need to be used in order to access your S3 resources and utilize the API endpoint shown under AWS Elemental MediaConvert > Account.

All that said, if you can remove the social media post, that would be ideal, of course. Endpoints will have a different ID per region. I checked internally to see if AWS can change the identifier for your affected regional endpoint. As soon as I get additional info, I'll post a comment to this answer!

Thank you!


(1) Set up IAM permissions -

(2) Creating the IAM role in MediaConvert with configured permissions -

answered 2 years ago

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