CloudFormation cannot update image recipe without several version bumps


I have a use case in which simply updating a parameter in a CloudFormation stack would greatly simplify an image builder pipeline update process. However, I cannot do this since the ARN for things like components and image recipes are based on version and those objects are immutable. The version numbers are completely irrelevant for my use case aside from being able to find log streams from the build, but even those I don't really care about.

What I would like is for CloudFormation to either auto-increment the version number, or completely destroy the resource and rebuild it on update so that there isn't an ARN conflict, in which case I would just leave the version set to '0.0.0'.

What I have tried: UpdateReplacePolicy set to "Delete". CloudFormation reports that the resource already exists implying the new resource is being built before the old resource is deleted. Publishing a version number as an output and auto-incrementing it in the template. There doesn't appear to be a way to increment an integer in a CloudFormation template.

asked 4 months ago118 views
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