Cannot connect to DVC server: Socket I/O timed out


I have set up Unreal Engine 5 EC2 instance available in the marketplace. I have allowed the instance to access NICE DCV license S3 bucket and there are no errors in NICE DCV logs. When I try to connect to the instance using NICE DCV Linux client, I get the following error: Socket I/O timed out

Connecting to the instance using RDP works. I have confirmed with netcat that NICE DCV UDP port (8443) is open.

asked 2 years ago317 views
2 Answers

Thanks Chris Pollard! I noticed from client logs that the client tries to connect to TCP port and that for some reason was not allowed in the instance's security group. Have to report this to AWS.

answered 2 years ago

Normally DCV uses TCP with HTTP transport unless you are using QUIC. Check to make sure you have TCP port 8443 open. Can you change the Security Group and add TCP port 8443?

answered 2 years ago

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