Unable to hit Elastic load balancer


We are setting up an environment on AWS. We have used elastic beanstalk for setting up the environment. By using elastic beanstalk, we have launched EC2 instance. EC2 instance have been setup properly and able to hit server running on EC2 instance using Ec2 public IP through postman. But when I am trying to hit the same api using domain provided by Elastic Beanstalk, it is not working.

I have checked for VPC setting, security groups, load balancer setting etc and all seems fine to me. But still not able to hit the server through domain name. Also getting the below error on elastic beanstalk health tab:** Instance ELB health has not been available for 13 days.**

  • The issue has been solved. There is one configuration of process in Elastic BeanStalk where we need to define the port on which our application is running . This port configuration we wrong and after setting it up correctly, the server works properly and health check also become green.

2 Answers


I think you need to set the health check path of your application on the ELB properly which could be the reason for your issue.


answered 4 months ago
  • We have set that also and I can see it is being hit periodically on the application logs. But still no luck :)

  • The issue has been solved. There is one configuration of process in Elastic BeanStalk where we need to define the port on which our application is running . This port configuration was wrong and after setting it up correctly, the server works properly and health check also become green.


Please can you provide details of the security groups for the ALB and EC2s along with the health check settings

profile picture
answered 3 months ago
  • For this EC2 instance, we are using one auto scaling group. Inside that auto scaling group, we are having one security group which have the below configuration as inbound and outbound.

    Inbound Rules 1:

    IP version: Type: HTTP Protocol: TCP Port Range: 80

    Inbound Rules 2:

    IP version: Type: All Traffic Protocol: All Port Range: All

    Inbound Rules 3:

    IP version: Ipv4 Type: All Traffic Protocol: All Port Range: All

    Outbound Rules 1:

    IP version: Ipv4 Type: All Traffic Protocol: All Port Range: All

    My understanding is that issue is not due to security rules.

  • The issue has been solved. There is one configuration of process in Elastic BeanStalk where we need to define the port on which our application is running . This port configuration we wrong and after setting it up correctly, the server works properly and health check also become green.

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