Creating data source with database name without username name password from RDS proxy


I have created multiple databases, each database has its username and password. A secret is created in secretsmanager to store username and password for each database. Also RDS proxy is associated with the secrets and IAM role which has the permission to access the secrets.

Currently in my java spring boot microservice I am creating data source object with username, password and database name.

Is there any way to connect to a particular database by just providing the database name without the username and password ?

asked 20 days ago101 views
1 Answer


Is there any way to connect to a particular database by just providing the database name without the username and password ?

Using IAM authentication eliminates the need for passwords.
However, you must instead issue temporary credentials and use them to connect to the database.

Additionally, IAM authentication has limitations, so you may need to be careful when using it depending on the application.

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answered 20 days ago
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reviewed 19 days ago

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