Is it possible to decide which EC2 instance to request to?


I'm new to AWS. Let’s say i have a standard REST API deployed in 3 EC2 instances in different regions, and in a different application, I have a frontend. Is it possible to decide know which instance to use and receive the frontend request based on a user configuration?

I want to know if this is possible because my app needs to test connections based on region.

Thanks is advance.

asked 2 months ago105 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can create 1 Application Load Balancer. Create VPC peering between Load Balancer VPC and VPCs in other regions, where your REST API EC2 instances are deployed. Create 3 target groups for your ALB. Each Target group has own EC2 instance (target by IP address)

When all 3 instances are registered under ALB, create 3 rules where you will analyze HTTP headers and route requests to the appropriate EC2 instance

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answered 2 months ago
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