AWS SiteWise Dashboard Timezone


SiteWise Portal Dashboard only show the timezone of the region the portal was created in, like us-west, which displays charts in PDT only.

We have devices in Hawaii and they would like to see the dashboard charts based on the HST timezone.

Is there a way to make this happen? Or are we stuck with PDT when using SiteWise Portals.


asked a year ago249 views
2 Answers

Hi foofuzi.

SiteWise Portal Dashboard only show the timezone of the region the portal was created in

I'm setup in us-east-1, but SiteWise Monitor is correctly showing my local time (timezone GMT+8). It gets the local time from your computer/browser.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the reply. The concern came as our installation engineer in HI was reporting that PDT was showing on the dashboard, it is now known that his laptop in set to PDT.

Accepted Answer

The SiteWise portal will show the timezone as per setting of your browser which is in sync with the system timezone. If you open the SiteWise portal in client machine set as HST timezone, it will show the data in HST. You can try testing this by changing the timezone of your client machine.

answered a year ago
  • Thanks. I verified that this was the case by changing the timezone settings on a Linux laptop to HST for Hawaii and HST shows as the timezone on the dashboard.

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