How to integrate live chat service in my organization using AWS Connect Widget


I want to integrate live chat service like help desk support system. In this system, I want to use AWS connect chat widget in my front site, and I want to manage live chat process in my backend site without going to AWS console. I want to reply in my backend site of my system. I want to get live chat messages when customer sent message from chat widget on my front site. So, how to do for that and Give me guideline for necessary steps.

asked 5 months ago234 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I am not clear on what you mean by "backend site"? Do agents have access to this backend site?

If yes, then you can either embed Amazon Connect's CCP (softphone) within your backend site as an IFrame or build a custom CCP using Amazon Connect Streams API (Streams). Refer

Vikas P
answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago
  • Backend site means I want to integrate the live chat messages, reply action from my management system, not AWS CCP. Is is possible? If I don't use CCP, Can I get the live chat messages, and do reply action from my backend site?


If you’re using Connect for chat it makes sense for you to use the CCP, superficially a custom CCP where you can control what the agent sees. If you don’t want to use the CCP for the agent UI then I would say it might be better to use some other chat system and not Connect as you’re pretty much going to have to recreate a lot of the things that Connect does for you out of the box if you don’t want to use the CCP.


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answered 5 months ago

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