About Free Tier


I have a Java app (Spring app) and i want to try the free tier opstions. When i want to create a db instance, i saw that im eligible for some costs - monthly costs. Can somebody explain to me whats the catch . Estimated costs are 12.41 USD for the DB instance and 2.40 for the Storage. Also, what is it included in the free tier ?

asked 4 months ago152 views
2 Answers


The AWS services listed in the document below are eligible for the free tier for 12 months after you create a new AWS account.

For RDS, Single-AZ "db.t2.micro", "db.t3.micro", and "db.t4g.micro" are the instance types eligible for the free tier.
Choosing any other instance type will incur costs.
Also, when you create an RDS instance from the management console, the monthly cost estimate will be displayed at the bottom of the screen even if it is a free tier.
If you select "Free tier" when creating an RDS instance, the free tier specs will be automatically selected.


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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

Hi, When considering the free tier options for a database instance in a Java Spring application, it's essential to understand the terms and conditions of the free tier offered by your cloud service provider. Here are some key points to consider:

Free Tier Eligibility: 

Typically, cloud service providers offer a free tier with limited resources for a specified duration (e.g., 12 months). During this period, you can use certain services within the predefined limits without incurring charges.

Limited Resources: 

The free tier often includes a limited amount of compute, storage, data transfer, and other resources. For example, you might be allowed to run a small-sized database instance with restricted CPU and memory resources.

Usage Limits: 

Be aware of the usage limits associated with the free tier. If you exceed these limits, you'll start incurring charges based on your actual usage.

Cost Estimation: 

When you create a database instance, the cloud provider estimates the monthly costs based on the resources you're provisioning. The estimated costs you mentioned (12.41 USD for the DB instance and 2.40 USD for storage) are calculated based on the resources you've selected. However, actual costs may vary based on your usage.

Storage Costs: 

In addition to the costs for the database instance, you'll also incur charges for the storage used by your database. The storage costs depend on the amount of data stored and any additional features like backups and replicas.

Billing Transparency:

Cloud service providers aim to provide transparency in billing by estimating costs upfront and providing detailed billing reports. You can monitor your usage and costs through the provider's dashboard or billing console.

Upgrade Options: 

If your application's resource requirements exceed the limits of the free tier or if you need additional features and capabilities, you can upgrade to a paid tier or adjust your resource allocation accordingly

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answered 4 months ago

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