AWS Java SDK - Issues between V2 and secrets manager jdbc



I have a Java application that uses some V2 dependencies to manage our AWS environment. Than, these are my other aws dependencies



To connect to our S3 buckets we build the S3 client in this way

S3ClientBuilder builder = S3Client.builder().region(Region.of(this.regionName)).forcePathStyle(true);
S3Client client =;

Now we need to use SecretsManager to manage the RDS DB credentials, so we added this dependency to our pom.xml


and modified our application.yml to connect via SM.

    driver-class-name: com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMySQLDriver
    url: jdbc-secretsmanager:mysql://db_url:3306/db
    username: db/secret/test

The DB connection works well but we cannot build the S3Client anymore: the thread with it hangs indefinitely, no error, no exit, it just hang forever blocking all the application. As soon as we remove the aws-secretsmanager-jdbc dependency everything works well again. It looks like there is some incompatibility between the V2 sdk and the JDBC one. Any advice on how to use both? Thanks

1 Answer

Hello, Thank you for contacting AWS.

Could you please provide/confirm below information:

1)Sample code to reproduce the issue (it would be better is sample Maven project along with pom.xml and other files could be shared). 2)Customer application type 3)Application execution environment

4)Was below code executing successfully earlier: S3ClientBuilder builder = S3Client.builder().region(Region.of(this.regionName)).forcePathStyle(true); S3Client client =;

5)In apart from changing code to use aws-secretsmanager-jdbc package, what additional changes were made (e.g. IAM role/permissions added/removed, etc.) 6)How are credentials configured? (per documentation at, the aws-secretsmanager-jdbc uses default credential profile chain).

answered 7 months ago

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