How to setup cloudwatch agent on EC2 instance running with ubuntu


Currently, we are in the process of implementing a CloudWatch agent in our EC2 instance which is having ubuntu 22.04. We have been referring to the documentation provided by AWS, which outlines two approaches – an old method using a Python script (now deprecated due to compatibility constraints with Python versions 2.6 to 3.5) and a new approach involving 'yum install.'

Unfortunately, our instance runs Python version 3.10, rendering the old approach unusable for us. As we attempted to proceed with the new method, we encountered challenges with the absence of 'yum' in our instance. Our attempts to install 'yum' have been unsuccessful.

Could you please outline the correct approach to install the cloud watch agent on ubuntu machine?

Thank you in advance.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


The document you shared is how to install the CloudWatch Logs Agent, not the CloudWatch Agent.
CloudWatch Logs Agent is an older agent and is now deprecated.

The older logs agent is deprecated. CloudWatch includes a unified agent that can collect both logs and metrics from EC2 instances and on-premises servers. For more information, see Getting started with CloudWatch Logs.

For information about migrating from the older CloudWatch Logs agent to the unified agent, see Create the CloudWatch agent configuration file with the wizard.

The older logs agent supports only versions 2.6 to 3.5 of Python. Additionally, the older CloudWatch Logs agent doesn't support Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2). If your server uses IMDSv2, you must use the newer unified agent instead of the older CloudWatch Logs agent.

The rest of this section explains the use of the older CloudWatch Logs agent for customers who are still using it.

Therefore, please install it by following the steps in the document below.

# If the CPU architecture is x86-64

# If the CPU architecture is ARM64

sudo dpkg -i -E ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb

Please refer to the following document when creating the configuration file.
For example, for memory usage, the configuration file should look like the one below.

    "agent": {
        "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
        "run_as_user": "root"
    "metrics": {
        "append_dimensions": {
            "InstanceId": "${aws:InstanceId}"
        "metrics_collected": {
            "collectd": {
                "metrics_aggregation_interval": 60
            "mem": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60

Once the configuration file is created, run the following command to start it.

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -s -c file:configuration-file-path

You can also configure the settings interactively.

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard

There seems to be a problem where collectd cannot be found, in which case please install it using the command below.

sudo apt install ./collectd-core_5.12.0-11_amd64.deb
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answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago
  • Thank you so much for immediate response. I can able to setup the agent.

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