Traffic when access S3 using AWS console


I need to upload a file through AWS S3 console from my company computer. I need to configure my firewall so that there won't be an alarm when large amount of traffic happened. Can anyone tell me where does the file goes when i upload it using S3 console? Would it go to s3 endpoint of my region? Or all traffic simpily go to

asked 2 months ago223 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

When you upload a file using the AWS S3 console, the file is transferred to S3 servers located in the AWS Region you selected for your bucket. The initial interaction happens through the S3 console at, where you choose the bucket and initiate the upload process. However, the actual data transfer of the file occurs between your computer and the Amazon S3 endpoint specific to the region where your bucket is located e.g.

Regarding your firewall, I would ensure that it allows traffic to both for accessing the S3 management console and the specific S3 endpoint for your bucket's region. That way both the access to the console and the subsequent data transfer to the S3 bucket are permitted

Check out this other post here and AWS documentation for more information

answered 2 months ago

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