aws cli is being closed on windows 10


Error After I installed the Aws CLI it does not work and jump out

  • You'll need to provide a lot more info - how did you install it, how did you configure credentials, how are you running it, what output do you get?

asked a year ago3034 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

I see you've provided a screenshot but it doesn't show what command you entered. I'm guessing you just ran "aws" with no arguments? That's not how it works - it's not an interactive shell. You need to provide commands as arguments, e.g. "aws s3 ls" to list your buckets. Have a good look at the user guide -

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • I just ran it whenever I open the AWS CLI it closes and does not let me to enter any commend

  • Open a command shell window, and type "aws" with arguments, e.g. "aws s3 ls". It will probably complain you don't have credentials set up, so type "aws configure". See the user guide for more info.


Hi there, i would also review this page - On that page it has a link to some troubleshooting, please have a look there to see if your relevant error is in that list.

answered a year ago
  • Thank you I have already checked but there is no info


Do not run the aws.exe file directly. Instead, open your Windows Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell from the Start menu. In the terminal window that opens, type the AWS CLI commands you want to execute and press ENTER, for example:

aws s3 ls
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Thanks to everyone who has answered my question unfortunately the Aws re:post system cut off my access to my account and I am writing with another account to appreciate everyone here. Vahid Rahimi

answered a year ago

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