Create security policy before creating new collection?

"https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: ****, ValidationException: No matching security policy of encryption type found for collection name: test. Please create security policy of encryption type for this collection.

I'm getting the above error when trying to create a collection in OpenSearch serverless (via the Go SDK)

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but am confused by this error message. In the input: there isn't a field where you can specify a security policy that the collection should have.

Am I missing a step before I try creating the collection?

asked a year ago880 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

EncryptionPolicy should be created prior to creating the collection. Can you try creating an encryption policy first using and then create collection.

I think it's not mentioned on API docs, but seems to be mentioned here in the product page:

answered a year ago

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