When are the VOD mediapackage streams ready ?


with VOD MediaPackage, after creating a new asset, we obtain the urls for the packaging configuration urls.
usually it takes a few minutes for the streams to be downloadable (meaning not to return a 404 error).
But today I have a longer 2hours videos and it tooks 10+ minutes for the playlist file to be available.

Is there a notification event that we could track to be aware when the packaging outputs are ready to be published ?


asked 4 years ago336 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Joel, thanks for opening this forum post with us!

There are different ingest statuses available to monitor: "IngestStart", "IngestComplete", "IngestError" which defines the status of ingest, and "VodAssetPlayable" which denotes when the URL is ready to play back. A URL is generated when the "IngestComplete" event is triggered, but won't be playable until "VodAssetPlayable" is triggered. Until then, you will receive a 404 on that endpoint as it is not yet ready - as you have already noted.

I would suggest setting up SNS Topics for the above events, especially "VodAssetPlayable". You can find more details on this here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediapackage/latest/ug/cloudwatch-events-example.html

Do let us know if you have any other questions!


answered 4 years ago
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reviewed a month ago

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