Why document db is creating 3 connections for a single insert operation.


Hello, I have created a document db instance of t4g.medium size. I am trying to insert data in a collection. While monitoring the connection count in AWS monitor console, I observed that for every request 3 connections are getting created. Has anybody faced any similar issue or any idea why 3 connections are getting created for each request.

Connection code


func createConnection() (*mongo.Client, error) {
	clusterEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", host, port)
	connectionURI := fmt.Sprintf(ConnectionStringTemplate, username, password, clusterEndpoint, database, ReadPreference)
	tlsConfig, err := getCustomTLSConfig(CaFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf(context.Background(), "Failed getting TLS configuration: %v", err)
	clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(connectionURI).SetTLSConfig(tlsConfig)
	clientOptions = clientOptions.SetMaxPoolSize(1)
	clientOptions = clientOptions.SetMinPoolSize(1)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Test the connection
	err = client.Ping(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	log.Infof(context.Background(), "Connection created successfully")

	return client, nil


AWS Monitor Screenshot :

asked a year ago307 views
1 Answer

This is the behavior of the Go driver (is not the only one, PyMongo does the same), which opens two additional sockets per instance for monitoring the server's state. See the details here.

You could try settings like heartbeatFrequencyMS to minimize those background server checks or directConnection to connect only to one instance specified in the URI (if you are going to use only single instance cluster and not connect in replica set mode).

Mihai A
answered a year ago

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