data transfer cost between two AZs in the same VPC same account


I read that there is a data transfer cost between two AZs in different accounts.

I wonder if there is a data transfer cost between two AZs in the same VPC same account. let's say one EC2 in AZ A is sending data to EC2 in AZ B. What is the charge like?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, there is and cost is the same as between accounts within region.

Data transfer within AWS region: "Data transferred "in" to and "out" from Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift , Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), and Amazon ElastiCache instances or Elastic Network Interfaces across Availability Zones or VPC Peering connections in the same AWS Region is charged at $0.01/GB in each direction."

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 18 days ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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