Step Function Fan Out to Parallel workloads


I am trying to pass my output from my start execution to my next step. I am trying to get the key values from Step 1 output to step 2 as inputs. I have tried filtered the output from step 1 using $.Payload Using $.Payload I get the below.

"[{"AWSMASTERDT": "2024-03-05 14:44:00", "DATALOADCONFIGID": 1, "PROC": "info.usp_Load_F7", "TABLENAME": "info.F7", "FILENAME": "F7_202403051444.csv"}]"

In step 2 of my Step Function, I receive this input as $ and map successfully into my Execute Load function a successfully. My Step 1 could return up to 7 rows that will each need to be executed in parallel.

How do I set this up?

Current setup is below.

Enter image description here

asked 3 months ago268 views
1 Answer

If you need to iterate over an array, use the Map state that allows you to do just that.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • I will need to iterate over dictionaries provided as a payload from another Lambda Function.

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