Can I restore a folder from the root on a s3 bucket


Someone from my team has disabled a directory from an s3 bucket (root directory). The item's won't show when I enable show versions.

Aditionally, when I run the command below, I don't aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket <BUCKET_NAME> --prefix <DIRECTORY_NAME> --output json --query 'DeleteMarkers[?IsLatest=="true"] && ?LastModified>="2024-04-11T00:00:00"'

asked 2 months ago309 views
1 Answer

If versioning is enabled on your S3 bucket, each object (including those within directories) has a version history. Deleting an object or directory in S3 generally creates a delete marker, which is a placeholder that indicates the object has been deleted. When you enable versioning, you can still access the older versions of the object unless they have been permanently deleted.

Try to check for DeleteMarkers, use the following AWS CLI command::

aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket BUCKET_NAME --prefix DIRECTORY_NAME --output json --query "DeleteMarkers[?IsLatest==\`true\`]"

If you find delete markers for your directory or its contents, you can restore them by deleting the delete markers. This can make the previous version of the directory or objects visible again.

If versioning was not enabled before the directory was deleted, it might be impossible to recover the directory through S3 alone as there would be no stored versions to revert to.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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