ubuntu lustre modules for kernal 6.5.0-1014-aws


Building 22.04 ubuntu machine. current Kernal we have available: 6.5.0-1014-aws

Need to be able to mount our FSx lustre file systems. Based on pull from AWS FSx-lustre.S3 latest module is lustre-client-modules-6.2.0-1018-aws/stable 2.15.3-1fsx2 amd64

when will modules be available for 6.5.0-xxxx-aws?

Need to understand timeline so we can make an intelligent decision on kernal version.

asked 20 days ago102 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

thanks. Understand. Thought I was posting to AWS support. Will engage AWS Support. We have it working by down grading Kernal. Just looking for timeline since our movement to 22.04 is targeted for 3qtr.

answered 19 days ago
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reviewed 15 days ago

The following link will guide you through installing the the FSx Lustre client on Ubuntu 22.04.


Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 20 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago

The availability of specific Lustre client modules for a particular kernel version like 6.5.0-1014-aws on Ubuntu usually depends on when AWS updates its FSx for Lustre client packages to support new kernel releases. Since Ubuntu frequently updates its kernels, especially in the cloud (AWS) versions, there can sometimes be a lag before compatible modules for new kernels are released.

As of now, if the latest module available from AWS is for the 6.2.0-1018-aws kernel, it suggests that there has not yet been a release for the 6.5.0-1014-aws kernel. AWS does not typically pre-announce exact release dates for such updates due to the complexities involved in software development and testing.

Here are a few steps you can take to manage this situation:

1. Contact AWS Support: They can provide the most accurate information regarding the roadmap and expected release dates for FSx for Lustre client modules compatible with newer kernel versions.

2. Regularly Check AWS Updates: Monitor the AWS FSx for Lustre documentation and the Amazon Linux AMI update notes. AWS often includes information about kernel support in these updates.

3. Consider Kernel Downgrade: If immediate support is crucial, consider using an older kernel version that is supported by the existing Lustre client modules until the new modules are released. Kernel 6.2.0-1018-aws is supported, so using this version might be a temporary solution.

4. Alternative File Systems: If compatibility and timeline issues persist and are critical to your operations, consider evaluating other file systems that might offer compatibility with your current kernel version or provide more frequent updates.

5. Stay Flexible with Kernel Versions: Given the nature of cloud environments and managed services like FSx, aligning with more commonly supported kernel versions can sometimes help in reducing these types of compatibility issues.

By following these suggestions, you can better plan for your infrastructure needs and decide whether to wait for the new modules or implement a workaround by using an earlier kernel version.

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answered 20 days ago

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